Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rub-a-Dub, Dub Whats N UR Tub

     125 ingredients found in our homes, suspected
of being DANGEROUS or HAZARDOUS to our
HEALTH!  Data given by the 2008 Environmental
Group, which found cancer causing chemicals in
teenage girls using "cosmetics", how many ALL girls
tested through blood and urine, 16 chemicals from
four major groups- musks, phthalates, parabens,
and triclosan. ALL linked to hormone disruption.
     And thats just the tip of a list of junk used on
your body and found in households. I'll take them
one at time-Diethanolaine(DEA-TEA) found in such
products as, soaps, conditioners, lotions, sunscreens
bubble baths, dishwashing and laundry detergents.
     So what! What are the risks, a study done by
UNC in 2006 found DEA harmful to fatel brain
development and miscarriage risks.Which blocks
the absorption of choline, and that aides in normal
brain development.
     Propylene Glycol, this is used in making ANTI-
FREEZE, that soap or deodorant you use, well
guess what, next time you use either, throw in a little
auto anti-freeze in for that extra shot, 'it can't hurt
no more than all these years you've used them!" Or
add a little extra A/F to your tooth brush, when you
brush those teeth. Propylene Glycol, lets see
damage to kidneys, damage to liver, causing ab-
normalities or other DAMAGE. Invades cells
causing dry skin, rashes, and other skin surface
     Sodium Lauryl Sulfate(SLS)&Sodium Laureth
Sulfate(SLES) found in tooth pastes, soaps, other
items that foam up. This stuff will clean a nasty oily
floor in a heart beat, this is the same chemical you
are cleaning your teeth, washing your body and
hair. These are found in the heart, liver, lungs,
and brain just because you applied to your skin.
     Next post on Rub a Dub, Alcohol, Aluminum,
Mercury, Ethanol, Lead, these are in all, if not
most of the personal care products you use.

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