Friday, December 11, 2009

True Life Tail #2

   Know The Way Home:
       This true life horse tail begins on the western
plains of Kansas in the years shortly before World
War 1.
     The morning wakes with a bright white blanket
of snow, the kind that cracks under foot, and you
know its cold.  The chill finds its way through all
     Morning chores won't wait, three and a half miles
to school, all a foot.  Breakfest of eggs, meat, tatters
hot fresh biscuts and milk from the cow, time is
running short, things are happening at a rapid pace.
     You wonderful city folks who schools have a
student body of 500, and teachers number 40 to 50.
This school had 1 teacher, 2 rooms if you could call
a hall closet used as an office, a room, then yes it
was a 2 room school.
     This morning would be of a different matter, not
at all the usual.  Pa comes in from the barn, sets to
breakfest, picks up a fork, looks up looking at the
boys.  Clears his throat (knowing how important
school is) and gives the news of the day. 
     Harley you and Lee after breakfest hitch the team
and head into town.  Out of hay, so the two of will be
going, dress warm you'll be gone over night.
     Wagon was large and held enough hay to last the
animals a week or more.  Doing as the two were told
mama enters the barn with a basket of goodies, for
the horse paced journey.  Which takes two days, and
a night.
     Like school kids of today, the two were happy to
miss a day or two of class room studies. 
     When all was at the ready, off they went, now this
horse team has walked this many a time.  And even if 
blind they could make this trip, without worry. 
     And as all brothers, a litttle horse play, no tears
were shed, went well wouldn't you say. 
     Did arrive with time left to load the wagon, but
where to spend the night.  Being boys of Kansas and
of the adventurous pioneer, as youngsters are.
     Rehitched the team and set off toward home.  After
a short time and finding the sun setting.  The chill of
evening air, became to much for the boys. 
     Taking refuge under the hay, wrapped in all blankets
they could find, the cold was just to much for either to drive
the team.
     Short while later, time found both boys sound asleep
and quit warn, warmed by the layer of hay that covered
each boy.
     The warmth of the rising sun woke the boys, finding
that the team walked through the night, knowing the way
home, and just a few miles from home and a full day of
     This scene repeated its self many times that winter.
And did so until the purchase of the family truck.

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