Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Horses,Dogs,Cat-Any & All

No matter how much you try to protect your horses
from injury, you can rid 1000 ways of posssible injury,
your horse will find 1001 ways to cause itself harm.
And then other needs are needed in the care of your

I'll give you a short list of uses for essential oils that 
can be safely used, the A to Z of treatment for anim-
als so to say.

*Arthritis *Birthing *Bleeding *Bones, pain, spurs,
fractured or broken *Calming *Colds&Flu *Colic
*Fleas&other Parasites *Inflammation *Insect rep-
ellent *Ligments/Tendens *Meneral Deficiencies
*Mites *Nerevous Deficiencies *Pain *Shiny Coats
*Sinus Problems *Skin Cancer *Ticks *Trauma
*Tumors *Cancer *Worms *Parasites *Wounds
*Hoof Infections *Kidney Failure *Swollen Sheath
*Saddle Soars

Essential Oils First Aid Kit for Animals *Animal Scents
Ointment seal, disinfect open wounds *Exodus 2 in-
fection, inflammation *Helichrysum topical anesthetic
*Idoha Tansy one of the most versatile oils,purifying
cleansing, tissue regenerating, anti-inflammatory and
anesthetic *Laureal brusising and soreness *Lavender
tissue regeneration, desensitizing wounds *Melrose dis-
infecting and cleaning wounds *Mountain Savory reduce
inflammaton *Myrrh infections, inflammation, tissue re-
generation *Ortho Ease to dilute essential oils, pain-
reliever, anti-inflammatory *PanAway pain from
broken bones(not on raw nor open wounds) It will
sting and traumatize the animal, instead use either
Hilichrysum and Balsam Fir to reduce bleeding and
pain*Purification is more effective than iodine or
hydrogen peroxide for washing and cleaning wounds,
repels ticks and mites *Roman Chamomilse tissue
regeneration desensiting wounds *Thieves inflam-
mation infections, bacteria, proudflesh, promote tissue
regeneration *Valerian used both internally and extern-
ally for controlling pain *Vetiver also used as Valerian

When the animal is jittery and resists, apply Peace and
Calming, Valor on yourself first. As you appraoch the
animal, it should react calmer as it percieves the aroma.
Kneel down or squat beside the animal and remain still
for several minutes, so that it can become accustomed
to the smell, As the animal breathes in the frgrances,
it will become calmer and easier to manage.

For non-ungulate animals, dogs and cats oils are
diluted and neated to the paws for faster absorption.
Hoofed animals, sprinkle a few drops on the spin or
flanks and massaged in. Apply to gums, tongue, under-
neath the top lip. Also apply on the frog, cornet band
of hooves, all are good locations for cows and horses.

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